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My name is Jerry Goettig. Thank you for your interest in my handmade custom knives.

I have always been fascinated with creating things and have always wanted to make knives. I've always enjoyed working with my hands. I think it's a primitive thing like playing drums which I've done for most of my life.

My Dad was a craftsman and made many things in his shop when I was growing up. I grew up around power tools and was always taught to respect them. My Dad was more of a woodworker but he was also a Certified Welder and was always creating something. He made one knife that I am aware of and you can see it at the bottom of this page.

I made my first knife when I was in my teens and then it fell by the wayside as life unfolded. During an illness in 2009 I decided to put the time in and do some more research and I started buying some tools in order to pursue the craft. I made contact with some respected knifemaker's like Jim Ferguson ( Jim helped encourage me to pursue this dream of creating something from a piece of raw steel. I had asked him if he would make me a couple of clamps that I saw in one of his videos and he said I could pick them up at the blade show in Pasadena.  When I met Jim at the Blade Show I remember him saying to me "Are you sure you want to make knives? It's a dirty, nasty, dangerous business!" or something to that effect. He was right, it is a dirty, nasty, dangerous business but we are still drawn to it. My first knife (not counting the one I made in my teens) was made from one of Jim's patterns and is actually on his website under "Success Stories", my son now owns that knife.

Ed Caffrey, "The Montana Bladesmith" has given me some great input over the years as well. Ed is an ABS Mastersmith and always seems to find the time. Thanks Ed! It's guy's like Ed and Jim, that are so willing to share their knowledge with other maker's that it helps to preserve the craft and advance the art. I hope to someday be able to do the same for someone else.

I have also been drawn to Forging and I joined the American Bladesmith Society a couple of years ago as an Apprentice Smith. I finally acquired my forge and 300lb. Fisher Anvil in March of 2013. I am looking forward to spending more time forging blades as I move forward in this new realm of Bladesmithing.

Thank you for checking out my blades! Shoot me an email if you have any questions.



Maker's Mark


This knife was made by my Dad (A.W.Goettig) in the late 60's to early 70's from an old Band Saw Blade that came from his work at Firestone. He was a Veteran who fought in the battle of Attu in Alaska during WWII. He would break this knife out whenever he barbequed Steaks. I'm so glad that I have it. He passed away in 1989. R.I.P.

© 2013 -2023 by Jerry A. Goettig, All rights reserved.

American Made Blade ®

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